
4.3 Shapes and Tables

Users can manipulate Shapes and Tables with MicroCity Script. For detailed data structure of Shapes, you can refer to previous chapter 2.2 and 3.2. Because Shapes can be treated as Tables with extra field with geographic data, some of embeded functions for tabular data manipulation can be used both in Shapes and Tables. Sample codes for this chapter can be found in the “shapes_samples” folder of the Project Tab in iconScriptEditor.

Tabular Data Manipulation

CreateShapes ("name", "Point|Line|Polygon")

Returns a Shapes object.

CreateTable ("Name")

Returns a Table object.

GetFieldCount (Shapes|Table)

Returns the number of fields in a Shapes or Table

GetField (Shapes|Table, iField)

Inputs the index (starts from 1) of a field and returns the field name and type (“Int”, “Float”, “Double” or “String).

AddField (Shapes|Table, "field1", "Int|Float|Double|String" [, "field2", "Int|Float|Double|String", ...])

Adds fields to a Table or *Shapes and returns booleans (true or false) by order.

DelField (Shapes|Table, iField)

Returns true if successfully delete a field.

GetRecCount (Shapes|Table)

Returns the total number of records in a Shapes or Table.

AddRecord (Shapes|Table)

Adds a record to a Shapes or Table and returns the index.

GetValue (Shapes|Table, "field_name", index1 [, index2, ...])

Retrieve values from a specified field and indexes of a Shapes or Table. Returns multiple values by the order of indexes.

SetValue (Shapes|Table, value, "field_name", index1 [, index2, ...])

Sets values for a specified field and indexes of a Shapes or Table.

Geographic Data Manipulation

GetSelections (Shapes)

Returns selected shape objects from a Shapes.

GetShape (Shapes, index1 [, index2, ...])

Returns Shape objects from a Shapes by the order of indexes.

AddShape (Shapes, Shape)

Adds a Shape object to a Shapes and returns its index.

AddShape (Shapes [, x1, y1, x2, y2, ...])

Adds a Shape object to a Shapes which defined as points. Returns the Shape object and index.

DelShape (Shape|Shapes)

Deletes a Shape or Shapes object and returns ture if successful.

AddPoint (Shape, x, y [, iPart = 1])

Adds a point to a Shape and returns ture if successful.

InsPoint (Shape, x, y [, iPoint = 1 [, iPart = 1]])

Inserts a point to a Shape and returns ture if successful.

SetPoint (Shape, x, y [, iPoint = 1 [, iPart = 1]])

Sets a point coordinates in a Shape and returns ture if successful.

DelPoint (Shape, iPoint = 1 [, iPart = 1])

Deletes a point at position iPoint from a Shape and returns ture if successful..

DelPart (Shape, iPart)

Deletes a part from a Shape and returns ture if successful.

GetPartCount (Shape)

Returns the number of parts in a Shape.

GetPointCount (Shape [, iPart = 1])

Returns the number of points in a Shape.

GetPointXY (Shape [, iPoint = 1 [, iPart = 1]])

Returns all points’ coordinates: x1, y1, x2, y2, … from a Shape or a specified point’s coordinate.

CopyShapeTo (TargetShapes, dx, dy, Shape1 [, Shape2, ...])

Copys Shape objects to a target Shapes with relative translation (dx, dy) and returns new Shape objects.

MoveShapeTo (dx, dy, Shape1 [, Shape2, ...])

Translates Shape objects to its relative position (dx, dy).

GetCenterXY (Shapes)

Returns the center coordinate (x, y) of a Shapes.

GetCenterXY (Shapes, index1 [, index2, ...])

Returns the center coordinates (x1, y1, x2, y2, …) of Shape objects specified by indexes in a Shapes.

GetCenterXY (Shape1 [, Shape2, ...])

Returns the center coordinates (x1, y1, x2, y2, …) of Shape objects.

GetDistance (x1, y1, x2, y2 [, x3, y3, ...])

Returns the total distance between every two pairs of coordinates (x, y).

GetShapeLen (Shape1 [, Shape2, ...])

Returns lengths of Shape objects.

GetShapeArea (Shape1 [, Shape2, ...])

Returns areas of Shape objects.

GetShapeType (Shape|Shapes)

Returns the type (“Point”, “Line” or “Polygon”) of the a Shapes or Shape object.

GetExtent (Shapes)

Returns the extent coordinates (Lx, By, Rx, Ty) of a Shapes’s extent.

GetExtent (Shapes, index)

Returns the extent coordinates (Lx, By, Rx, Ty) of a Shape indexed in a Shapes.

GetExtent (Shape)

Returns the extent coordinates (Lx, By, Rx, Ty) of a Shape.

GetIntersection (ShapeA, ShapeB)

Returns a Shape (Point, Line or Polygon) object of the intersection of two Shapes.

GetValue (Shape, "field_name")

Returns the value of specified field of a Shape.

SetValue (Shape, value1, "field_name1" [, value2, "field_name2", ...])

Sets values in different fiedds for a Shape.

SetCoorSys ("Earth"|"Non-Earth")

Sets coordinate system. If using “Earth”, distances, lenths and areas are calculated according to the earth ellipsoid coordinate system. By default the “Non-Earth” is used, which is cartesian coordinate system.

< 4.2 UI Control Table of Contents 4.4 Grids >