Scenes and inside 3D objects (3.4) can be scripted. Sample codes for this chapter can be found in the “3d_samples” folder of the Project Tab in ScriptEditor.
CreateScene ("Title" [, RotSpeed=1] [, TransSpeed=1])
Creates a new 3d scene and returns the object.
AddZipTo3DPath (Scene, "")
Adds a zip file to the search directory and returns true if succeed. It is useful for collecting a large amount of files.
LoadSkybox (Scene, "top.jpg" ,"bottom.jpg" ,"left.jpg" ,"right.jpg" ,"front.jpg" ,"back.jpg")
Loads six image files as the skybox of a 3d scene.
LoadObject (Scene, "filename.3ds" [,shadow = false [, AnimationSpeed]])
Loads a 3d object from a file and returns the object.
AddLight (Scene, x, y, z, Radius [, r = 255, g = 255, b = 255])
Adds a light object and returns the object.
Add3DLabel(Scene, "label" [, width=10, height=10 [, r = 180, g = 180, b = 180 [, "font.xml"]]])
Adds a 3D label at (0,0,0) and returns the object.
Add3DLine (Scene, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2 [, r = 0, g = 0, b = 0])
Adds a 3D line object frome (x1, y1, z1) to (x2, y2, z2) and retruns the object.
Add3DRect (Scene, length, width [, r = 180, g = 180, b = 180])
Adds a 3D rectangular object from (-length/2,0,-width/2) to (length/2,0,width/2) and returns the object.
Add3DBox (Scene, length, width, height [, r = 180, g = 180, b = 180 [, bShowEdge = true]])
Adds a 3D box object from (-length/2,-height/2,-width/2) to (length/2,height/2,width/2) and returns the object.
AddSphere (Scene, radius [, polycount = 16 [, r = 180, g = 180, b = 180]])
Adds a sphere at (0,0,0) and returns the object. If the radius parameter is less than 0, returns an invisible object.
GetTexture (Object)
Returns the texture files of a object: “filename1”, “filename2”, … .
LoadTexture (Scene, Object, "filename1" [, "filename2", ...])
Loads texture files to an object.
SetPosition (Object, x, y, z [, absolute = false])
Sets the position of an object relative to its parent (or the absolute position to the scene).
GetPosition (Object [, absolute = false])
Gets the position of an object relative to its parent (or the absolute position to the scene).
SetRotation (Object, rx, ry, rz [, absolute = false])
Sets the rotation (left hand rule) of an object in degrees relative to its parent (or the absolute rotation to the scene).
GetRotation (Object [, absolute = false])
Gets the rotation (left hand rule) of an object in degrees relative to its parent (or the absolute rotation to the scene).
SetScale (Object, sx, sy, sz)
Sets the scale of an object.
GetScale (Object)
Gets the scale of an object.
SetParent (Object, Parent)
Attaches an object to another object as a child.
GetParent (Object)
Gets the parent of an object.
SetObject (Object "id" [,x, y, z, [,rx, ry, rz [,sx, sy, sz]]])
Sets the ID, position, rotation and scale of an object.
DelObject (Object)
Deletes an object.
SetCamera (Scene, x, y, z [,Tx, Ty, Tz])
Sets the position and target of the scene camera.
GetCamera (Scene)
Gets the camera object of a 3d scene and its position and targt.
GetSelections (Scene)
Returns selected objects from a 3d scene.
GetObjectID (Object1 [, Object2, ...])
Returns “id”s of objects.
SetObjectID (Object, "id")
Sets the id of an object.
GetObject (Scene, "id")
Finds an object by its id.
< 4.4 Grids | Table of Contents | 4.6 Networks > |